Privacy policy.

Jennifer Connolly Nutrition take your privacy seriously and we are committed to protecting your Personal Data.

The Jennifer Connolly Nutrition Privacy Policy states how we collect, utilise, and store your personal information and data. We fully respect your right to privacy and shall not collect any personal information about you on this website without your knowledge and explicit permission.

Any personal information which you submit to Jennifer Connolly Nutrition will be processed in accordance with applicable data protection law including, with effect from 25 May 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679).

How to contact us in relation to your Personal Data:

If you require any information regarding your personal data, please contact us at

Collection of Information

We take your privacy and your data very seriously and will never disclose, share or sell your data without your explicit consent; unless we are required to do so by law. We only retain your data for as long as is necessary and for the purpose(s) outlined here. You are free to withdraw your consent to utilise your data at any time.

We are guided by the following principles when processing data:

  1. We will only collect data for specific and specified purposes; we will make it clear at the point when we request your information, what we are collecting it for and how we are going to use it;

  2. We will not collect data beyond what is necessary to accomplish those purposes; we will minimise the amount of information we collect from you to what we need to deliver the services required;

  3. We will collect and use your personal information only if we have sensible business reasons for doing so, such as contacting you with a newsletter and/or relevant offers from time to time and/or to provide you with coaching services.

  4. We will not use your data for purposes other than those for which it was collected, accepted as stated within our policy, or with your prior consent;

  5. We will seek to verify and/or update your data periodically and we will accept requests from you for amendment of the data held;

  6. We will apply high technical standards to make our processing of data secure;

  7. Except otherwise stated, we will not store data in identifiable form longer than is necessary to accomplish its purpose or as required by law.

Information Collected:

The information we may collect about you could include, but is not limited to:

  1. Personal details

  2. Health information

  3. Family details

  4. Lifestyle and social circumstances

Given the nature of our work, we are likely to collect health information from you, this is known as special category data. When we obtain special category data from you, we will always get your consent first.

When Information is Collected:

  1. Newsletter or mailing list sign up

  2. An opt-in download

  3. Online forms

  4. Course or programme enrolment

  5. Contacted for information via our website or social media channels, by phone or email

  6. Posts on our social media channels, website or blog

  7. Commerical work

Use of Collected Information:

  1. Allow you to process a booking for a product or course

  2. Create a profile for you on our site

  3. Send you our newsletters or provide you with information, products or services that you request from us or which we feel may interest you, where you have consented to be contacted for such purposes

  4. Ensure that content from our site is presented to you in the most effective manner for you and your computer

  5. Allow you to participate in the service you have chosen to do so

  6. Notify you about changes to our service

Sharing and disclosing your personal data and information

We do not share or disclose any of your personal information without your consent, other than for the purposes specified in this notice or where there is a legal requirement.

How to opt out or unsubscribe

If you have subscribed to one of our services through a newsletter or social media account, you may unsubscribe by following the instructions which are included in all emails that you receive from Jennifer Connolly Nutrition.

We use MailerLite for our email campaigns. Information provided will be transferred to Mailerlite for processing in accordance with their Terms

Legal basis for processing your data

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) provides that processing of your data shall only be lawful if and to the extent that at least one of the following applies:

  1. You have consented

  2. For the performance of a contract

  3. For compliance with a legal obligation which we must perform

  4. To protect vital interests of your or another person

  5. It is in the public interest

  6. It is in the legitimate interests pursued by us or a third party

We collect data for the purposes set out above. Data is managed to ensure that it is either erased from our system when it is no longer required for the purpose for which it was collected, retained for legal reasons, or minimised and retained.

Any health data collected from you has special protection and is limited to that permissible by law. In all instances where special category data is collected, we will obtain your express consent.

Your rights

  1. You have the right to access any personal information that we process about you and to request information on the following.

  2. For a copy of the personal information we hold.

  3. You can ask us about how we collect, share and use your personal information.

  4. You can update and correct your personal details.

  5. If you can change your mind wherever you give us your consent, such as for direct marketing. However, please note that any processing carried out before you withdraw your consent will remain valid.

  6. You have the right to restrict or object to us using your personal information.

  7. In certain circumstances, you may ask us to delete your personal information.

  8. You have a right to moving your information (your right to portability). Where possible we can share a digital copy of your information directly with you or another organisation.

  9. You can exercise any of these rights by submitting a request by email to  

  10. Further information regarding your rights can be obtained from the Data Protection Commissioner; Ireland

 Links from our site

Our site contains links to and from other websites which are operated by individuals and companies over which we have no direct control. If you follow a link to any of these websites, please note that these websites have their own privacy and terms of use polices. We do not accept any responsibility or liability for these policies. We advise you to check the policies for third party sites before you submit any personal data to the website.

Website analytics & targeted marketing

We use website analytics to provide the best user experience and service to you and to evaluate and improve our site. We utilise third-party data analytics service providers such as Google Analytics and Meta to improve our visibility and to monitor website browser behaviour and navigation across our site.

These third-party data analytics service providers collect this information on our behalf in accordance with our instructions and in line with their own privacy policies. Our service providers may collect the following data about the way you use our site, which will almost always be anonymised and aggregated before reporting back to us:

  1. Number of visitors to our site

  2. Pages visited whilst using the site and time spent per page

  3. Page interaction information, such as scrolling, clicks and browsing methods

  4. Source location and details about where users go when they leave the site

  5. Page response times and any download errors

  6. Other technical information relating to end user device, such as IP address or browser plug-in

  7. From time to time we may use the information collected about you to present you with targeted advertisements using platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Google and/or Instagram.

Privacy Policy Changes

This privacy policy may change. All updates will be posted on this page.

Queries in relation to the Jennifer Connolly Nutrition Privacy Policy can be sent to

This privacy notice was published on 26/02/2024 and last updated on 26/02/2024.