Enjoy the community of group coaching, with the added bonus of individual support.

Group Coaching Programme.

A group programme delivered over 6 weekly live sessions, with community support throughout. And what makes this course unique is that you also get individual nutrition coaching sessions included the programme.

This is for you if you want to improve your relationship with food and learn to:

  1. Ditch Dieting

  2. Reconnect with Hunger and Fullness signals

  3. Let Go of Food Rules and Restrictions

  4. Make Peace with Food

  5. Understand Emotional Eating

  6. Build Gentle Nutrition into Your Life

Sign up to the waitlist to be the first to hear when the next group is launching.

Group Coaching Programme.

  • One-to-One Sessions

    One-to-One Sessions

    Everyone taking part in the programme has the opportunity for 2 x 30 min individual nutrition coaching sessions. One at the start of the programme and one towards the end.

    This means that even though this is a group programme, it is tailored to your needs.

    You will leave the programme with clear, personalised next steps.

  • Group Coaching Calls

    Group Coaching Calls

    We meet as a group over 6 x 90 min live sessions. Each session will include learning, activities, Q&A and follow up resources.

    Each week will cover a new topic - Ditching Dieting, Reconnecting with Hunger and Fullness Signals, Letting go of Food Rules and Restrictions, Making Peace with Food, Understanding Emotional Eating and Building Gentle Nutrition into Your Life.

  • Community & Supprt

    Community & Support

    This will be a small group so everyone with lots of opportunities to share and ask questions.

    You will be part of private community space for support between the weekly live sessions.

    Unlimited support for the duration of the programme, via WhatsApp and email.