Long Lasting Positive Health Change.

Hi, I’m Jen

Jennifer Connolly

I am a qualified Nutrition and Health Coach and I help people achieve long lasting positive health changes.

I believe nutrition and food should be personalised, practical, and enjoyable. I am committed to empowering you to make sustainable lifestyle changes without restriction or short-lived fad diets.
I look forward to supporting you on your path to a healthier, happier life.

A New Approach

Orange slices

My non-diet approach to nutrition and health offers a refreshing and sustainable perspective. Everyone can improve their health without restrictive diets.

This is achieved by combining Intuitive Eating principles, trusted and jargon-free nutrition information with practical tools and support to implement positive health changes that are long lasting.

  • Diploma in Professional Nutrition & Health Coaching, IINH

  • MSc. Clinical Nutrition, University of Aberdeen (in progress)

  • Assessment of Nutritional Health, University of Aberdeen

  • Nutrition and Health Through the Life Stages, University of Aberdeen

  • Intuitive Eating PRO Skills Training, Evelyn Tribole

  • Applying Intuitive Eating and Non-Diet Approaches in Practice, Laura Thomas

  • IMPART Level 1, International Menopause Society

  • Simple Steps to Menstrual Cycle Awareness, IHS

Qualifications & Training

Professional Memberships

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